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10 Fun Indoor Activities for Seniors

An elderly person and a friend both painting, engaged in their artwork. The scene captures a relaxed, creative moment in a cozy indoor space.

As we get older, it’s important to find activities that engage the mind, body, and spirit. For seniors in particular, staying active and involved is key to mental and emotional well-being. The good news is there are plenty of fun indoor activities that can help beat boredom, keep seniors moving, and encourage social connections.  Whether […]

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What Care is Provided in Assisted Living?

Happy nurse helping senior women in wheelchair across the room with other seniors in the background

Growing older brings many changes, and adults may find themselves struggling a little more with familiar tasks. For seniors looking for extra help, there are several living options available. Assisted living is helpful for many older adults, but what kind of care does it provide?   If you’re interested in assisted living, continue reading to learn […]

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